Open Door Ministries
Debra Lisath, Coordinator

Engaging homeless men and women on the streets of Columbus and Chillicothe,
Ohio to provide resources for their basic, critical needs
Center Church led our staff members to the streets where the homeless congregate, establishing trust and linking
them with community resources. To meet their basic needs, we offered hygiene packets, blankets, shoes, clothing and food.
We also provided Showers, Haircuts, Medical Services and transportation to and from shelter services or Faith Missions.
Most importantly we offer our love for Christ and the truth of his word to set the captives free. We let our brothers
and sisters know there is hope in Jesus Christ.

Feeding a " Hot meal right off the Grill" |

Thanks to the many generous Open Door Church, Harvest Center Church, and Centerpoint
Church members of Chillicothe, that helped my wife in collecting food items and basic living essentials
for the homeless people of both Columbus and Chillicothe Ohio. We gather donations for about 2 months. After all the donations are in, we get together and spend several
hours making gift bags for the homeless. We then drive to the city and pick up those that are in need and bring them
to a central location to pass the items out.
If you are interested in contributing or participating in this Ministry, there are many ways you can help! You
can go out and do a little shopping or pick up a few extra things while you're running your normal errands. Purchase as many
items as you like . Once you have purchased your items to donate, just drop them off at Open Door Ministries
or contact me to make a donation. If you are not a big shopper, but still want to help, you can make a monetary donation $$$...Just go to the bottom of
the home page and click on donations.
